Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The Baking Process

So, on Thursday the 7th my house became a massive bun factory from half 6 in the morning till half 11 at night, yes that’s how long I was baking and decorating cupcakes.
Although I have to say, it wasn’t just me, a massive thank you to my Mum, Dad, my boyfriend Karl, and my friends Rachael, Sammy, Roxie, Beth, Jackson and Danny! You all made it possible!

Jackson mixing

Karl mixing

Sammy the chief photographer

We managed to bake about 400 buns to sell on the next day, so its no wonder it took that long, each one decorated with icing sugar and sprinkles (your welcome in advance for any hyperactive children ha!)

Me decorating the cup cakes

From this...

To this!

Rice krispie buns

It was pretty fun actually and they looked delicious if I don’t say so myself, some of them went slightly wrong however and had to be, well, adapted slightly…

Over flowing bun mixture = failed!
The magic of cookie shape cutters

In the end they were all boxed up and looking dapper ready to go to Val, my neighbour and Mums work!
Look out for my next posts on how much we made!