Monday, 31 October 2011

31st Oct 11:40pm

This evening I just sat with the kids all night, watching their gospel music videos and cuddling them. At about half 8 I went around and said goodbye to everyone, it was quite upsetting, I’m going to miss each and every one so much!

Margaret took my email, so hopefully she can keep in touch a bit, but I’m not sure where the orphanage kids would get internet from. I got into bed and started to cry. Now after all my wanting to go home, I wish I could stay.

I couldn’t sleep so I put my iPod on and Shakira – gypsy, came on, it related to my trip so much I cried all over again.

31st Oct 5:40pm

When I went back down the children were still doing exams, so I came back to the house and played with Amanda, she struggled to eat dinner, so we played the aeroplane game again. She finished every last bit.

Once the older girls finished school I took a few of them to buy the sodas Tom had promised to buy them. Or some reason the shop was shut, so we went to one further down. I didn’t realise but there are shops all over.

We got back to Amani house and I spent some time with all the kids watching 101 Dalmatians and then a group outside on the steps just wanted to cuddle. We played jump rope games and then I decided I should probably go so the mommas could let them nap.

After I had gotton my things organised I went to see Stephen, who wasn’t feeling too well still. He was sleepy and coughing so I sat and rocked him to sleep, he’s so tiny in my arms, and it seemed to work because he perked up loads after that.

I just got back from helping the mommas and some of the standard 4 girls peel potatoes, it took forever to peel enough potatoes for all the kids in the orphanage and some of the girls were using huge ‘murderers knives’ top cut with.

One thing I forgot to mention from yesterday was the sky. I went outside around 8:30pm to see if the kids were still up (they weren’t) but I stayed outside laid on an old bench staring at the night sky; it was so clear and the stars were so brings. Truly beautiful.

I just laid there letting my eyes get accustomed to the dark. The longer I stayed to more stars appeared. I loved it.

I also walked Pamela home to say goodbye, and I saw Calvin too, he gave me a massive hug and said he would miss me a lot. I’ll miss them both too.

31st Oct 12:20pm

At 10:30am I went to porridge, and with Margaret’s help, handed out the solar lamps, the children were so excited. I took photos with each of them and showed them how they work. At porridge I sat with the children and asked about their exams and watched them playing football. Whenever I have my camera the children always want pictures with me!

Soon I’m going back down to the school to see if the children are done with their exams.

I would normally have dinner but I feel so unwell I don’t think I should eat anything. Just sip my yummy boiled, then cooled, water. Ahem.

31st Oct 8:50am

This morning, I went to assembly and took some videos of the children singing and dancing. I was shocked to see the children having their nails checked. If they had dirty nails they were sent to the steps and scolded.

I felt so guilty because my nails are so black. When we did the blackboards I tried to wash the brushed out with water and soap in my hands. BIG MISTAKE.  It turned my hands and nails black and made an oil slick. We used kerosene to clean up after that.

I intended to go help out in lessons since it’s my last day! But all the children have exams again this morning, even baby class., so I’m going to pack and do some of my own school work.