Tuesday 25 October 2011

25th Oct 9:45am

Last night after we finished off some of the outfits or the children; like police hats and fairy wings, we played outside with some of the kids with a donated football (rugby ball to us English folk) and a tennis ball. Godson had to get on the roof again because Alex threw the tennis ball on the roof.

Little Amanda was attempting to read my glamour magazine, but I took it off her because the pictures are pretty but some of the articles weren’t suitable for little eyes.
Pamela, one of the girls from standard 3 stayed at Peace Matunda till 5pm to spend time with her friends and us volunteers. It may have got dark when she was walking home, so me Megan and tom walked back with her.

She lives up Mount Meru from Peace Matunda, past the shop, then you take a left through some fields – there was this really angry cow at the junction which was mooing like mad. The cows sound less like cows and more like dinosaurs. The fields slope down to a river which we crossed using random rocks (not like in England where you can’t cross unless there’s a bridge.) Then over the river we continued up to her house, for another 20 minutes.
Pamela lives with her grandma because both her parents passed away due to AIDS and Pamela herself has HIV.  Her and her 4 brothers and older sister live with their grandmother, so I took some clothes and a teddy for them.

Pamela is 8 and she has medication (paid for by her sponsor) to help with the HIV. She also goes for regular doctors’ visits. I sat with her and watched a film on a volunteer’s laptop before she left. She’s such a sweet kid.

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